Thursday, January 3, 2013

Drifting Technique:Power Over Drift

 A throttle induced drift, this is performed when entering a corner and using the 
 accelerator to slip the rear wheels, producing heavy oversteer  through the turn. 
 You will often need lots of horsepower to make this happen.  

1. Enter a turn at any speed. The powerover drift is based on horsepower so it does not necessarily need much speed or rotational force to perform.

2. Turn your wheels sharply into the turn, and get on the throttle enough to cause your wheels to lose traction. The cornering force of the vehicle combined with the excessive throttle will cause your vehicle to oversteer.

3. When you feel the vehicle’s rear end kicking out, immediately countersteer the wheels to face straight with the road. Your vehicle will pull in the direction of the front wheels, as long as the wheels are still moving. Keep on the throttle. If you press the brakes or let off the throttle because your vehicle is in an extremely oversteered condition, you will spin out or leave the road.

4. When you wish to straighten out your car, after completing the drift, let off the throttle smoothly and 

straighten out the wheels as your vehicle kicks in line behind the front tires.

Keiichi Tsuchiya demonstrating the use of the "power over" drift

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