Friday, January 4, 2013

Drift Technique: Jump Drift

 Jump Drift
  In this technique the rear tire on the inside of a turn or apex is bounced over a 
 curb to lose traction resulting in over steer. Do not attempt this technique at the 
 Drift Session.
Jump Drift
1. Enter a turn at medium speed.
2. Turn your wheels into the turn and stay on the throttle, but drive the inside wheels of your vehicle over a low curb.
3. When your rear wheel bounces over the curb, stay on the throttle. When your wheels return to the road, they should be spinning faster than what available traction can handle, causing your wheels to break traction. Stay on the throttle as your vehicle begins to drift.
4. When you feel the vehicle’s rear end kicking out, immediately countersteer the wheels to face straight with the road. Your vehicle will pull in the direction of the front wheels, as long as the wheels are still moving. Keep on the throttle. If you press the brakes or let off the throttle because your vehicle is in an extremely oversteered condition, you will spin out or leave the road.
5. When you wish to straighten out your car, after completing the drift, let off the throttle smoothly and straighten out the wheels as your vehicle kicks in line behind the front tires.

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